I love this….just been reminded of it by a BBC news article….enjoy!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
…I love getting comments from people (even when random hugs from people I don’t know have almost made me cry recently!)…but I’ve realised I really don’t comment much on other people’s blogs…so my challenge for April (I know it’s still March but we’re going away at the weekend and I’ve got lots to do) will be to comment on as many blogs I read as possible (if I can think of something suitable to say) whenever I trail through my blog roll…
My sister is sending me mad, having got really grumpy at me and refused to speak to me for a fortnight when I told her I was pregnant (in an evening when I knew she would have the support of her husband) she’s now calling me every few days asking what would help morning sickness (am I really evil for being pleased that she was sick more yesterday than I ever was with the munchkin? I was only ever nauseous most days and sick twice in 9 months), can she borrow my bump belt now I need it no longer?
I’m still bleeding internittently and the last thing I want is to hear about her pregnancy. I’m fine with my pregnant friends round here, they’re all being wonderful and sensitive, but my sister just doesn’t seem to think? I’ve been tempted to call her and say just leave me alone for a bit, but I can’t think of a nice way to say it. Mr H has offered to have a word with her, but that doesn’t seem right either…..argh!
On another subject we managed to get the sick smell out of the munchkin’s carpet by liberally sprinkling it with bicarbonate of soda…thanks Mum for the old fashioned idea. She suggested that before I saw the lavender comments so I tried it first. I’ll try lavender next time around
My sister is sending me mad, having got really grumpy at me and refused to speak to me for a fortnight when I told her I was pregnant (in an evening when I knew she would have the support of her husband) she’s now calling me every few days asking what would help morning sickness (am I really evil for being pleased that she was sick more yesterday than I ever was with the munchkin? I was only ever nauseous most days and sick twice in 9 months), can she borrow my bump belt now I need it no longer?
I’m still bleeding internittently and the last thing I want is to hear about her pregnancy. I’m fine with my pregnant friends round here, they’re all being wonderful and sensitive, but my sister just doesn’t seem to think? I’ve been tempted to call her and say just leave me alone for a bit, but I can’t think of a nice way to say it. Mr H has offered to have a word with her, but that doesn’t seem right either…..argh!
On another subject we managed to get the sick smell out of the munchkin’s carpet by liberally sprinkling it with bicarbonate of soda…thanks Mum for the old fashioned idea. She suggested that before I saw the lavender comments so I tried it first. I’ll try lavender next time around
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Getting worse...
…the munchkin has been sick again, this time over the carpet at the bottom of the stairs….urgh! Fun day for me to come….not!
…my sister has just told me she’s 6 weeks pregnant. I’m really, really pleased for her, but kind of wishing she could have waited another week or so before telling me. She’s already had two scans to check the baby is in the right place and has another next week to try and find a heart beat. She was telling me what the scan had shown, her baby is at exactly the same stage as ours was when it died…
…my sister has just told me she’s 6 weeks pregnant. I’m really, really pleased for her, but kind of wishing she could have waited another week or so before telling me. She’s already had two scans to check the baby is in the right place and has another next week to try and find a heart beat. She was telling me what the scan had shown, her baby is at exactly the same stage as ours was when it died…
We were disturbed in the middle of the night by some odd noises from the munchkin. She settled herself back down fairly quickly so we weren’t too worried, but when I went into her room this morning to get her up I was met by a horrible smell.
The little darling had been sick in the night and then fallen back to sleep in it! It was completely embedded in her hair. Thankfully Mr H hadn’t left for work at that point so her was able to clean the cot, carpet and bedding (and toys!) while I bathed the munchkin. It was so meshed into her hair that I had to wash it twice to get the smell out.
She’s a little subdued this morning, but not too much, and has just gone down for a nap in the travel cot (her room smells too bad for her to sleep in there). I’m not sure what caused her to be poorly, she had her pneumococcal (sp?) jab last Tuesday so it could be that, otherwise I don’t know. She tried a little bit of our curry last night (unusually Mr H got home in time for us all to eat together), but she has had that before. I guess we’ll never know.
On a slight side note, if anyone has any bright ideas for getting the sick smell out of carpet I’d be really grateful for them!
The little darling had been sick in the night and then fallen back to sleep in it! It was completely embedded in her hair. Thankfully Mr H hadn’t left for work at that point so her was able to clean the cot, carpet and bedding (and toys!) while I bathed the munchkin. It was so meshed into her hair that I had to wash it twice to get the smell out.
She’s a little subdued this morning, but not too much, and has just gone down for a nap in the travel cot (her room smells too bad for her to sleep in there). I’m not sure what caused her to be poorly, she had her pneumococcal (sp?) jab last Tuesday so it could be that, otherwise I don’t know. She tried a little bit of our curry last night (unusually Mr H got home in time for us all to eat together), but she has had that before. I guess we’ll never know.
On a slight side note, if anyone has any bright ideas for getting the sick smell out of carpet I’d be really grateful for them!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
It's over
I seem to have spent most of the last week either in hospital or waiting for calls to say whether there was a bed for me or not.
Having not eaten anything since midnight on Monday night I called to see if there was a bed for me at 8am on Tuesday, nothing I had to wait for them to call me, they called me back at 2 to say still no bed, try again tomorrow.
Try again on Wednesday, nothing at 8, wait again, put the munchkin down for a nap at 10, was called at 10:30 to say we have a bed, will you come now please. We got to the hospital at 11, spent an hour waiting in a waiting room before seeing a nurse who gave me a gown and some oh so attractive surgical stockings. mum (who arrived at lunchtime on Tuesday) took the munchkin home at this point for lunch and another attempt at a nap. At about 12:30 we (there was another lady waiting for an ERPC) were taken down to a ward (surprisingly nice, individual en suite rooms).
I wasn’t seen by a doctor until about 3, all she did was put a canula in to give me some fluids (having not eaten since 10 the night before) and tell me that I had to wait and see the anaesthetist before I’d be able to go to theatre. For some reason she couldn’t get the cannula into the back of my hand, she gave up and used my elbow instead (trying to sleep when you usually curl up into a ball but you’ve got a cannula in your elbow is a challenge!). Eventually saw the anaesthetist at 6ish, he was the first person to ask me about any allergies. I’m allergic to most adhesives (even the supposedly hypoallergenic micropore gives me an itchy rash) and also mildly allergic to latex (only a mild dermal reaction). He asked me a bit about the latex, but didn’t seem too concerned.
Mr H, Mum and the munchkin appeared to say hello during evening visiting at 6:30, but couldn’t stay long as they needed to get the munchkin to bed.
However, at around 7:30 the surgeon appeared to say that I’d be put at the top of Thursday’s list for surgery so they could have a completely clean theatre for me due to not wanting to take any chances with the latex. I’ve never had that much of a reaction so I was rather surprised but glad to be given more of an idea rather than just sitting waiting.
After 21 hours of not eating the Heinz tomato soup I was given for dinner (all there was on the ward at 8pm) was one of the nicest things ever! It was frustrating though, having sat on a bed all afternoon waiting to be sent to theatre only to be told actually it’ll be tomorrow.
I was woken at 6 on Thursday by the nurse doing her observation round (I can’t understand why they need to do it quite so early, especially when the evening round is between 10 and 11pm!) and was given another bag of fluids through the cannula. They didn’t start prepping me for theatre until 9 so the morning seemed to drag. I was taken down to theatre at 10 and got back to the ward at about 11:45. I was told at this point that hopefully I’d be able to go home at 4….
After a lunch of very soggy tuna sandwiches, which I somehow managed to keep down (the first time I’ve ever had a general anaesthetic and been able to eat afterwards with out being sick and needing a nice injection of anti-emetics in my bottom!), Mum and the munchkin came into afternoon visiting hoping to be able to take me home with them. However, that was not to be, the doctor came in a said that because of the possible latex risk I’d need to stay in overnight. I was not particularly happy having been told one thing, and then another. I could understand in a way why they said it, but still, after all the delays I just wanted to get home and sleep in my own bed.
I was finally discharged at 9:30 yesterday after a very short nights sleep. The nurses didn’t do the evening drug round and observations until 11pm and then woke me at 6 for the morning obs, even on a good day I’m a person who needs 8 hours sleep and I was very tired after the anaesthetic.
I’m really glad I’ve had the surgery now and that the pregnancy is over. We can now try and move ourselves on from it. We’ve been advised to wait 3 months before trying for another baby, but at the moment it’s a long way from my mind. It’s going to take a bit for me to feel better after all this. I’m still a bit emotional at times, and am very tired. Maybe in 3 months we’ll want to try again, but maybe a bit longer, it’s too early to say really.
Having not eaten anything since midnight on Monday night I called to see if there was a bed for me at 8am on Tuesday, nothing I had to wait for them to call me, they called me back at 2 to say still no bed, try again tomorrow.
Try again on Wednesday, nothing at 8, wait again, put the munchkin down for a nap at 10, was called at 10:30 to say we have a bed, will you come now please. We got to the hospital at 11, spent an hour waiting in a waiting room before seeing a nurse who gave me a gown and some oh so attractive surgical stockings. mum (who arrived at lunchtime on Tuesday) took the munchkin home at this point for lunch and another attempt at a nap. At about 12:30 we (there was another lady waiting for an ERPC) were taken down to a ward (surprisingly nice, individual en suite rooms).
I wasn’t seen by a doctor until about 3, all she did was put a canula in to give me some fluids (having not eaten since 10 the night before) and tell me that I had to wait and see the anaesthetist before I’d be able to go to theatre. For some reason she couldn’t get the cannula into the back of my hand, she gave up and used my elbow instead (trying to sleep when you usually curl up into a ball but you’ve got a cannula in your elbow is a challenge!). Eventually saw the anaesthetist at 6ish, he was the first person to ask me about any allergies. I’m allergic to most adhesives (even the supposedly hypoallergenic micropore gives me an itchy rash) and also mildly allergic to latex (only a mild dermal reaction). He asked me a bit about the latex, but didn’t seem too concerned.
Mr H, Mum and the munchkin appeared to say hello during evening visiting at 6:30, but couldn’t stay long as they needed to get the munchkin to bed.
However, at around 7:30 the surgeon appeared to say that I’d be put at the top of Thursday’s list for surgery so they could have a completely clean theatre for me due to not wanting to take any chances with the latex. I’ve never had that much of a reaction so I was rather surprised but glad to be given more of an idea rather than just sitting waiting.
After 21 hours of not eating the Heinz tomato soup I was given for dinner (all there was on the ward at 8pm) was one of the nicest things ever! It was frustrating though, having sat on a bed all afternoon waiting to be sent to theatre only to be told actually it’ll be tomorrow.
I was woken at 6 on Thursday by the nurse doing her observation round (I can’t understand why they need to do it quite so early, especially when the evening round is between 10 and 11pm!) and was given another bag of fluids through the cannula. They didn’t start prepping me for theatre until 9 so the morning seemed to drag. I was taken down to theatre at 10 and got back to the ward at about 11:45. I was told at this point that hopefully I’d be able to go home at 4….
After a lunch of very soggy tuna sandwiches, which I somehow managed to keep down (the first time I’ve ever had a general anaesthetic and been able to eat afterwards with out being sick and needing a nice injection of anti-emetics in my bottom!), Mum and the munchkin came into afternoon visiting hoping to be able to take me home with them. However, that was not to be, the doctor came in a said that because of the possible latex risk I’d need to stay in overnight. I was not particularly happy having been told one thing, and then another. I could understand in a way why they said it, but still, after all the delays I just wanted to get home and sleep in my own bed.
I was finally discharged at 9:30 yesterday after a very short nights sleep. The nurses didn’t do the evening drug round and observations until 11pm and then woke me at 6 for the morning obs, even on a good day I’m a person who needs 8 hours sleep and I was very tired after the anaesthetic.
I’m really glad I’ve had the surgery now and that the pregnancy is over. We can now try and move ourselves on from it. We’ve been advised to wait 3 months before trying for another baby, but at the moment it’s a long way from my mind. It’s going to take a bit for me to feel better after all this. I’m still a bit emotional at times, and am very tired. Maybe in 3 months we’ll want to try again, but maybe a bit longer, it’s too early to say really.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Ups and Downs
After a lovely weekend at my grans (Saturday night was the first night I have slept for 7 solid hours for weeks!) we went back for the second scan this morning.
As I expected there was no change. despite being sure of it it was still really hard when the lady doing the scan said that there was no change. We then had to head back to the EPU to decide what to do next, wait for things to happen naturally or book in for an ERPC. Since baby died about 4 weeks ago and nothing has happened yet we decided on an ERPC. If they have a bed for me when I ring at 8am tomorrow we’ll go in then. Mr H has booked the day off work to look after the munchkin, hopefully they’ll be able to be in with me some of the time, but I really don’t know. He took this morning off as well which was great. I don’t know how I’d have been if I’d been on my own.
I don’t react too well to general anaesthetics, I get very sick after them, so hopefully I’ll be early on the list for theatre, otherwise there’s a reasonable chance I’ll have to stay overnight (not ideal as MR H has important training on Wednesday).
I’ve been upping and ahhing over whether to ask Mum to come and stay for a couple of days, Mr H has too much on to be able to take much time off, he’s interviewing the students for industrial placements in his department one day this week as well as the training. I spoke to Mum this morning, she didn’t mention the possibility of coming, I don’t know what she’s got on at the moment, whether she’s busy or hasn’t thought of it.
One of the munchkin’s godmothers lives locally and has been here this afternoon to keep me company (she came bearing chocolates and a lovely scented candle for me), she’s said that if we need her after work for the rest of this week just to call which is fab.
I’m going to go now and put the munchkin to bed before packing a bag to take in with me tomorrow. Thanks again to those of you who left me the lovely messages.
Update - I’ve spoken to Mum, after a lot of thought she’s going to come down tomorrow if I go in to hospital then. She was very dubious about coming (after a breakdown a year ago she’s found committing to things hard and needs time at home after being away fro a bit - she was staying with my gran last week so was hoping to have a quiet at home week this week), but having realised what a state I’m in she decided that she could do it after all. I’m so grateful. I’m realising quite how alone I am here, there’s no one (apart from the munchkin’s godmother) here that could help us in any way.
As I expected there was no change. despite being sure of it it was still really hard when the lady doing the scan said that there was no change. We then had to head back to the EPU to decide what to do next, wait for things to happen naturally or book in for an ERPC. Since baby died about 4 weeks ago and nothing has happened yet we decided on an ERPC. If they have a bed for me when I ring at 8am tomorrow we’ll go in then. Mr H has booked the day off work to look after the munchkin, hopefully they’ll be able to be in with me some of the time, but I really don’t know. He took this morning off as well which was great. I don’t know how I’d have been if I’d been on my own.
I don’t react too well to general anaesthetics, I get very sick after them, so hopefully I’ll be early on the list for theatre, otherwise there’s a reasonable chance I’ll have to stay overnight (not ideal as MR H has important training on Wednesday).
I’ve been upping and ahhing over whether to ask Mum to come and stay for a couple of days, Mr H has too much on to be able to take much time off, he’s interviewing the students for industrial placements in his department one day this week as well as the training. I spoke to Mum this morning, she didn’t mention the possibility of coming, I don’t know what she’s got on at the moment, whether she’s busy or hasn’t thought of it.
One of the munchkin’s godmothers lives locally and has been here this afternoon to keep me company (she came bearing chocolates and a lovely scented candle for me), she’s said that if we need her after work for the rest of this week just to call which is fab.
I’m going to go now and put the munchkin to bed before packing a bag to take in with me tomorrow. Thanks again to those of you who left me the lovely messages.
Update - I’ve spoken to Mum, after a lot of thought she’s going to come down tomorrow if I go in to hospital then. She was very dubious about coming (after a breakdown a year ago she’s found committing to things hard and needs time at home after being away fro a bit - she was staying with my gran last week so was hoping to have a quiet at home week this week), but having realised what a state I’m in she decided that she could do it after all. I’m so grateful. I’m realising quite how alone I am here, there’s no one (apart from the munchkin’s godmother) here that could help us in any way.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
to everyone who’s commented lately. It’s astonishing to think that there are people thinking of us that we’ve never actually met. I had a little cry when I read some yesterday. My first tears for the baby except that first Tuesday.
We’re going to my grans for a long weekend this afternoon, hopefully the quiet time and rest (if the munchkin will let us!) will help us get our heads together a bit more.
Hope you all have a good weekend. Thanks again. Bye!
We’re going to my grans for a long weekend this afternoon, hopefully the quiet time and rest (if the munchkin will let us!) will help us get our heads together a bit more.
Hope you all have a good weekend. Thanks again. Bye!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Muddling along...
It’s been a funny week since I last posted. I’m trying not to dwell too much on the miscarriage (I’m sure that baby has died) but still remembering that I have to go back to the hospital on Monday to have another scan. The munchkin has been funny, there’s been times she’s just been cuddly and there and other times when she’s been really demanding and I can’t seem to make her happy. We’ve been out somewhere everyday to keep busy and get out of the house for a bit which has helped a bit, but I seem to being seeing pregnant women everywhere. It doesn’t help that three of my friends at baby group are expecting, two due next month and the other is about 11 weeks. It’ll be easier once we know and can move on. Mr H has already been talking about us trying again in a couple of months, I think I’d rather wait a bit first. It surprised me as he wasn’t sure about this pregnancy anyway, we’ll have to see how we feel as time goes on.
Another problem with all the worry is it’s affecting my sleep. I’m waking up more tired than when I went to bed, dreaming lots and waking lots. I’ve been trying to sleep during the day when the munchkin does, but I’m not really one for sleeping in the day. Hopefully a change of scene at my grans at the weekend will help. We’ll see….
Another problem with all the worry is it’s affecting my sleep. I’m waking up more tired than when I went to bed, dreaming lots and waking lots. I’ve been trying to sleep during the day when the munchkin does, but I’m not really one for sleeping in the day. Hopefully a change of scene at my grans at the weekend will help. We’ll see….
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Maybe all over...
I was going to write a good long post yesterday about the fab weekend I had meeting up with my group of friends from college, we haven’t all been together for 3 1/2 years at least but I spent the afternoon up at the Early Pregnancy Unit at the local hospital after a little bit of spotting and cramps on Sunday night.
I had to go back this morning for a scan which revealed that baby is measuring about 2 weeks behind my dates with no chance of seeing a heartbeat yet. I have to go back in a fortnight for a repeat scan to confirm a missed miscarriage.
I’m pretty certain that I have lost the baby, I’m not at all nauseous any more and don’t really feel pregnant. I’ve already got more energy and am not feeling so tired.
I just wish I didn’t have to wait so long before being 100% sure (unless I start to bleed properly). It’s going to be a long two weeks. I still haven’t many friends down here I can talk to and there’s not a lot I can go out and do to keep myself occupied. We’re going away the weekend before the scan so I can look forward to that (only going to my gran’s for some cheap away time and a change of scene).
I was very teary this morning, but feeling less so now, looking forward to Mr H getting home from work to gve me a hug though. The munchkin is being a bit of a minx, alternating between being wonderfully cuddly and being a fussy little monster who can’t do anything on her own. She’s just made me grin by managing to pull a bowl of grapes from the dining table and then sitting with the bowl between her legs stuffing as many grapes into her mouth as she could ( counted 4 when she made herself gag and spat them all out!). I do love her so much! I need to remember that lots at the moment.
I had to go back this morning for a scan which revealed that baby is measuring about 2 weeks behind my dates with no chance of seeing a heartbeat yet. I have to go back in a fortnight for a repeat scan to confirm a missed miscarriage.
I’m pretty certain that I have lost the baby, I’m not at all nauseous any more and don’t really feel pregnant. I’ve already got more energy and am not feeling so tired.
I just wish I didn’t have to wait so long before being 100% sure (unless I start to bleed properly). It’s going to be a long two weeks. I still haven’t many friends down here I can talk to and there’s not a lot I can go out and do to keep myself occupied. We’re going away the weekend before the scan so I can look forward to that (only going to my gran’s for some cheap away time and a change of scene).
I was very teary this morning, but feeling less so now, looking forward to Mr H getting home from work to gve me a hug though. The munchkin is being a bit of a minx, alternating between being wonderfully cuddly and being a fussy little monster who can’t do anything on her own. She’s just made me grin by managing to pull a bowl of grapes from the dining table and then sitting with the bowl between her legs stuffing as many grapes into her mouth as she could ( counted 4 when she made herself gag and spat them all out!). I do love her so much! I need to remember that lots at the moment.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
I hate hormones!
(though I suppose that if I didn’t have any I wouldn’t be in the state I’m now in…..any happy about)
It’s just that I’m spending so much time trying to dodge flying bouts of morning (read all day!) sickness that so far haven’t actually made me be sick, but made me so close and trying to snatch any rest I can as I’m so tired it’s untrue. I don’t remember feeling this rough last time. I was coping fine with teaching full time when pregnant with the munchkin, but now I can barely hang the washing out to dry with out wanting to spend the next hour lying down. Roll on 12/14 weeks when hopefully this will ease a bit.
I haven’t heard from my sister still, I really miss our chats, but she just doesn’t want to speak to me at the moment. I had a brief text to say that she and her husband had landed in Paris for their weekend away but nothing else. I hope she can come to terms with all this soon.
It’s just that I’m spending so much time trying to dodge flying bouts of morning (read all day!) sickness that so far haven’t actually made me be sick, but made me so close and trying to snatch any rest I can as I’m so tired it’s untrue. I don’t remember feeling this rough last time. I was coping fine with teaching full time when pregnant with the munchkin, but now I can barely hang the washing out to dry with out wanting to spend the next hour lying down. Roll on 12/14 weeks when hopefully this will ease a bit.
I haven’t heard from my sister still, I really miss our chats, but she just doesn’t want to speak to me at the moment. I had a brief text to say that she and her husband had landed in Paris for their weekend away but nothing else. I hope she can come to terms with all this soon.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Well, I told her...
…and it was horrible. She’s devastated. She half expected it after talking to Mum on Sunday and getting the feeling that Mum was hiding something from her. I came off the phone in tears, she was so unhappy.
I just want my little sister to be happy, and there’s nothing any of us can do to help her. We can’t change our plans or put our lives on hold, we can’t wave a magic wand - ta-da - one baby, there’s absolutely nothing we can do. All the other girls on Mum’s side of the family seem to fall pregnant really easily, Mum fell with me and my sister within the first couple of months of trying, I discovered at the weekend that only one of my Mum’s siblings was actually planned (she’s one of 5!), my aunt fell pregnant on the pill, my cousin (a little younger than my sister) is expecting her third any day, all the others are no where near thinking of babies yet. When we can produce babies almost when we want to my sister is finding it so hard.
I just wish there was something, anything I could do for her.
I just want my little sister to be happy, and there’s nothing any of us can do to help her. We can’t change our plans or put our lives on hold, we can’t wave a magic wand - ta-da - one baby, there’s absolutely nothing we can do. All the other girls on Mum’s side of the family seem to fall pregnant really easily, Mum fell with me and my sister within the first couple of months of trying, I discovered at the weekend that only one of my Mum’s siblings was actually planned (she’s one of 5!), my aunt fell pregnant on the pill, my cousin (a little younger than my sister) is expecting her third any day, all the others are no where near thinking of babies yet. When we can produce babies almost when we want to my sister is finding it so hard.
I just wish there was something, anything I could do for her.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Well, my nap didn’t happen as the door bell rang just as I was dozing off (thanks Mum for the clothes for the munchkin), the munchkin however slept for 1 1/2 hours and has just gone off again.
After speaking to Mum on the phone I have discovered that my sister’s period started yesterday….she’s going to be completely devestated. Mum thinks I should tell her today, I just don’t know, going to have a quick chat with Mr H when he gets in from work and maybe call my sister later on when her husband is home to comfort her.
Argh! I hate this!
After speaking to Mum on the phone I have discovered that my sister’s period started yesterday….she’s going to be completely devestated. Mum thinks I should tell her today, I just don’t know, going to have a quick chat with Mr H when he gets in from work and maybe call my sister later on when her husband is home to comfort her.
Argh! I hate this!
Here, There, Everywhere!
That’s how I’ve been feeling over the past few days.
Once we’d finally managed to defrost the pipes and be sure that there was no damage from it that was Wednesday out of the way, a busy day with so much to think about as well as giving the munchkin lots of cuddles to try and make her feel better.
Thursday brought a lovely covering of snow. We woke to 2 inches or so which stayed all day, after an interesting walk to the shops with the pushchair I let the munchkin have a little wander in the snow, she loved it!
She’d have loved to stay out longer but it was too cold for her. The local kids were really good about not throwing snow balls anywhere near her.
Come Friday I was coming down with a cold (which has got progressively worse and has today settled in my throat), then realised that my period had not really arrived having been due on Wednesday, spotted briefly that evening and nothing more…..hmmmm…..
Saturday morning produced a slightly unexpected positive pregnancy test, it looks like baby #2 may be with us sooner than planned (hoping all goes well)…..we weren’t going to start trying until after Easter. Baby’s current due date is 8 days before Mr H’s birthday and 13 days before the munchkin’s! Now it’s sinking in I’m delighted, we’ve always wanted at least two children (though Mr H didn’t want another October baby). I’m dreading telling my sister however, she and her husband have been trying for a baby for a year now with only an ectopic pregnancy to show for it and here’s us pregnant without really trying having fallen first month of trying each time before. I spoke to her on Thursday and we were being girly and discussing when we were due and I mentioned that by period had seemed to start on Wednesday and now I’m going to have to say well actually….
She was due on Friday and by speaking to Mum over the weekend I’ve discovered that she was at least late and probably going to test today, whenever I tell her it’s going to put a downer on her, either if she’s pregnant then she has to do it all with me (I think she’d much rather have a couple of months of attention without me taking any) or she’s not again and has to deal with the fact that I am….argh! We’re going to leave telling her until the weekend if possible, Mum and Dad know (I can’t hide anything from Mum) and are under strict instructions not to tell, I’m hoping that my sister doesn’t ask Mum anything outright as Mum can’t hide anything from either of us at all…..
Saturday’s news has also meant that my only means of attacking this cold have been paracetamol and hot honey and lemon (I hate not being able to take Day/Night Nurse), I’m wanting to spend today in bed, but Mr H is busy in meetings at work all day so can’t be home to look after the munchkin. I’m hoping to nap when she does……talking of which……bye!
Once we’d finally managed to defrost the pipes and be sure that there was no damage from it that was Wednesday out of the way, a busy day with so much to think about as well as giving the munchkin lots of cuddles to try and make her feel better.
Thursday brought a lovely covering of snow. We woke to 2 inches or so which stayed all day, after an interesting walk to the shops with the pushchair I let the munchkin have a little wander in the snow, she loved it!
She’d have loved to stay out longer but it was too cold for her. The local kids were really good about not throwing snow balls anywhere near her.
Come Friday I was coming down with a cold (which has got progressively worse and has today settled in my throat), then realised that my period had not really arrived having been due on Wednesday, spotted briefly that evening and nothing more…..hmmmm…..
Saturday morning produced a slightly unexpected positive pregnancy test, it looks like baby #2 may be with us sooner than planned (hoping all goes well)…..we weren’t going to start trying until after Easter. Baby’s current due date is 8 days before Mr H’s birthday and 13 days before the munchkin’s! Now it’s sinking in I’m delighted, we’ve always wanted at least two children (though Mr H didn’t want another October baby). I’m dreading telling my sister however, she and her husband have been trying for a baby for a year now with only an ectopic pregnancy to show for it and here’s us pregnant without really trying having fallen first month of trying each time before. I spoke to her on Thursday and we were being girly and discussing when we were due and I mentioned that by period had seemed to start on Wednesday and now I’m going to have to say well actually….
She was due on Friday and by speaking to Mum over the weekend I’ve discovered that she was at least late and probably going to test today, whenever I tell her it’s going to put a downer on her, either if she’s pregnant then she has to do it all with me (I think she’d much rather have a couple of months of attention without me taking any) or she’s not again and has to deal with the fact that I am….argh! We’re going to leave telling her until the weekend if possible, Mum and Dad know (I can’t hide anything from Mum) and are under strict instructions not to tell, I’m hoping that my sister doesn’t ask Mum anything outright as Mum can’t hide anything from either of us at all…..
Saturday’s news has also meant that my only means of attacking this cold have been paracetamol and hot honey and lemon (I hate not being able to take Day/Night Nurse), I’m wanting to spend today in bed, but Mr H is busy in meetings at work all day so can’t be home to look after the munchkin. I’m hoping to nap when she does……talking of which……bye!
Friday, February 02, 2007
I don’t know what it is at the moment, but the strangest things make me quite emotional. We were watching one of the episodes of Dinnerladies on DVD the other night and as it ended I just started crying. Mr H just didn’t know what to do with me. For those that know the show it was the Millennium (Minnellium!) episode where Anita leaves her baby on the fire escape for Bren to find. I’ve watched that episode several times before but it’s never affected me in the same way.
I’m sure part of it is the broodiness I’m feeling at the moment, another part of me just can’t understand how someone can just abandon their baby. However I know it’s not a completely unusual occurrence. According to thisBBC news article 49 babies were abandoned in the UK in 2004, I don’t know what the statistics are for the US or other European countries. I know it is a lot more frequent in China, especially girls due to the one child laws and the opinion that it is better to have a boy, and I read somewhere recently about it being more prevalent in India as well.
But why is it done in the UK? According to the BBC site:
There are no firm conclusions as to why babies are abandoned. Some psychiatrists believe that mothers - especially young ones - can become overwhelmed by the presence of something that they denied for nine months. When the baby is born, the distressed mother can lose contact with reality for a brief period of time and may abandon her child.
Often the women can be suffering post-natal depression or feelings of inadequacy. In some cases, parents may see abandoning their child as an alternative to abortion or leave their baby believing the infant will have a chance of a better life. Economic, as well as emotional and social factors, can play a part.
I still find it hard to comprehend though. I know I was fortunate to bond really well with the munchkin initially despite the problems with breast feeding. I suppose I can see some of the reasons above, I just don’t think I can fully comprehend it.
Some countries have produced baby hatches or foundling wheels as a way for parents to leave their infants somewhere safe where they can be looked after for a period of time before the parent can return and claim the child or the child is taken into care and put up for adoption. In the US many states have safe havens laws whereby the parent can take the baby to a safe place such as a hospital or fire station where the child can be given into care anonymously and without there being any repercussions for the parent.
At the moment in the UK there is no facility for anything like this and a parent abandoning a child is seen as a criminal and could be imprisoned, I do feel this is harsh for someone who must definitely have problems in order to do this. Rather than the threat of prosecution hanging over these people they need help and support if they come forward, and that’s something I hope they’d have whatever.
That’s just my rather confused ramblings on the subject, what do you think?
I’m sure part of it is the broodiness I’m feeling at the moment, another part of me just can’t understand how someone can just abandon their baby. However I know it’s not a completely unusual occurrence. According to thisBBC news article 49 babies were abandoned in the UK in 2004, I don’t know what the statistics are for the US or other European countries. I know it is a lot more frequent in China, especially girls due to the one child laws and the opinion that it is better to have a boy, and I read somewhere recently about it being more prevalent in India as well.
But why is it done in the UK? According to the BBC site:
There are no firm conclusions as to why babies are abandoned. Some psychiatrists believe that mothers - especially young ones - can become overwhelmed by the presence of something that they denied for nine months. When the baby is born, the distressed mother can lose contact with reality for a brief period of time and may abandon her child.
Often the women can be suffering post-natal depression or feelings of inadequacy. In some cases, parents may see abandoning their child as an alternative to abortion or leave their baby believing the infant will have a chance of a better life. Economic, as well as emotional and social factors, can play a part.
I still find it hard to comprehend though. I know I was fortunate to bond really well with the munchkin initially despite the problems with breast feeding. I suppose I can see some of the reasons above, I just don’t think I can fully comprehend it.
Some countries have produced baby hatches or foundling wheels as a way for parents to leave their infants somewhere safe where they can be looked after for a period of time before the parent can return and claim the child or the child is taken into care and put up for adoption. In the US many states have safe havens laws whereby the parent can take the baby to a safe place such as a hospital or fire station where the child can be given into care anonymously and without there being any repercussions for the parent.
At the moment in the UK there is no facility for anything like this and a parent abandoning a child is seen as a criminal and could be imprisoned, I do feel this is harsh for someone who must definitely have problems in order to do this. Rather than the threat of prosecution hanging over these people they need help and support if they come forward, and that’s something I hope they’d have whatever.
That’s just my rather confused ramblings on the subject, what do you think?
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Is this me?
I saw this on The Natural Blue and since Mr H is something of a Simpsons fan (and fast converting the munchkin!) I thought I'd give it a go...
You Are Marge Simpson |
![]() You're a devoted family member who loves unconditionally. Sometimes, though, you dream about living a wild secret life! You will be remembered for: your good cooking and evading the police Your life philosophy: "You should listen to your heart, and not the voices in your head." |
What a week!
I was hoping to find time to blog before this, but no chance. I've been so busy! Tidying, cooking, cleaning, entertaining the rellies plus trying to keep the munchkin calm amid the chaos. Her baptism service was really nice, the vicar was lovely, everyone arrived and got home safely and lots of food was eaten. Thanks Carmelo for the idea of veg sticks and dips....they went down really well. The munchkin's cake was slightly stressful as it didn't rise much though it was very light and tasty, a bit of umming and ahing over how to decorate it and it went immediately....has given me a bit of a bug for cake decorating though.....will have to make another one soon....next excuse for a cake I can come up with is Valentines...hmmm....sorry sidetracking...
Somehow it didn't seem too crowded with 17 of us here on Sunday, we just seemed to spread out around the kitchen and living room. At least we knlow we can do it again should we need to.
We had a great night out with Mr H's family on Saturday while L babysat for us. It was really nice to get to know J's fiancee a bit better and to spend time with the family, we haven't had a get-together since Christmas over 2 years ago. We see my family a lot, but the distance betwen north scotland and the south west of England is a long way, we'll see them all again for J and S's wedding though in April.
My challenge now is to keep the house as tidy as we made it for Sunday, managing ok so far (but have had Mum here to stay until this morning and she's helped a lot). I really hope I can do it, it's much nicer living in a tidy organised house rather than our usual piles of chaos.
Somehow it didn't seem too crowded with 17 of us here on Sunday, we just seemed to spread out around the kitchen and living room. At least we knlow we can do it again should we need to.
We had a great night out with Mr H's family on Saturday while L babysat for us. It was really nice to get to know J's fiancee a bit better and to spend time with the family, we haven't had a get-together since Christmas over 2 years ago. We see my family a lot, but the distance betwen north scotland and the south west of England is a long way, we'll see them all again for J and S's wedding though in April.
My challenge now is to keep the house as tidy as we made it for Sunday, managing ok so far (but have had Mum here to stay until this morning and she's helped a lot). I really hope I can do it, it's much nicer living in a tidy organised house rather than our usual piles of chaos.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Further thoughts....
Thanks for you comments Caramaena, I have thought about becoming a librarian, sadly there are no jobs opening up around here for that either, I guess I just need to keep looking out for them, hopefully something wil come up soon. For now I'm just busy thinking about the munchkins baptism on Sunday.....there are now 17 adults coming for lunch....we'd forgotten about some old friends of Mr H's mum (almost surrogate grandparents to Mr H), when I spoke to them this morning they were actually about to call us to find out where the church is...ooppss!
So now I need to decide what to feed everyone, and make sure that there is food for the two dairy intolerant folks coming.....I think we may end up having a fruit salad as a pudding option as all the other desserts I can think of are creamy!
What food do you like to eat at a buffet? So far we're definately having sausage rolls, salad and cold ham (ooo the excitement!).....any more suggestions?
So now I need to decide what to feed everyone, and make sure that there is food for the two dairy intolerant folks coming.....I think we may end up having a fruit salad as a pudding option as all the other desserts I can think of are creamy!
What food do you like to eat at a buffet? So far we're definately having sausage rolls, salad and cold ham (ooo the excitement!).....any more suggestions?
Friday, January 12, 2007
Your Career Type: Social |
![]() You are helpful, friendly, and trustworthy. Your talents lie in teaching, nursing, giving information, and solving social problems. You would make an excellent: Counselor - Dental Hygienist - Librarian Nurse - Parole Officer - Personal Trainer Physical Therapist - Social Worker - Teacher The worst career options for your are realistic careers, like truck driver or farmer. |
Ideas...or maybe telling me what I know....
More thoughts
Thanks to Carmelo for your response to my last post....in reply to a couple of your comments....supply work is all well and good if you can either drive to the school or live somewhere with a good enough puplic transport system to get you there, I'd love to have a scooter, used to be a dream of mine, but the oulay would be at least as bad a learning to drive so it's a non starter (plus it wouldn't give me the freedom to takle the munchkin to other groups). Shift work is something I need to think more on, but like I said I need to get a lot fitter before I really look into police work so the munchkin would be older.....
.....Argh! I don't know....just about to have a nosy at the local rag and see if there's anything in there
.....Argh! I don't know....just about to have a nosy at the local rag and see if there's anything in there
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
What early night?
Mr H and I attempted to get an early night last night, but ended up lying in bed discussing what to do about my loneliness. Thanks to being unable to drive and a dire lack of baby/toddler activities locally I've been seriously lonely since we moved down here. I survived initially by finding amy possible excuse to hop on the train back to Cambridge and meet up with my friends there, but now finances, and one of my best friends moving to deepest darkest Suffolk mean that it's not really an option except for the occasional visit. The only social interaction I have with other adults is the Wednesday baby group, for the rest of the week my day-time conversations consist of confusing conversations (of sorts) with the munchkin.
(Warning...confused outpouring of thought coming!)
Our only solutions were me learning to drive so I could get to other groups (at an outlay in excess of £400 for lessons not really an option) and getting a part-time job somewhere. I don't really want to go back to teaching, full-time teaching would leave me with no time for the munchkin and Mr H (thanks to planning and marking etc.), and part-time posts are hard to get hold of unless you already have your foot in the door. I had arranged a 60% timetable with my school in Cambridge had we stayed up there, but there's no way of doing that down there.
So that leaves me with a career change....so what do I do?
I very nearly applied for a paediatric nursing degree rather than education (I only settled on education a month before my application to Cambridge had to be in) and in a way I regret that. With a degree in maths and education I can be a teacher or.....a teacher, I'm not qualified for anything else. I could work in primary schools, but I really struggled with teaching literacy on my placements and didn't enjoy that at all. With mursing there are so many branches and areas I could have gone into....I'd still quite like to go back to university and re-train, but it's not something I could do living here, I'd need to live nearer the hospital(s) I'd be placed in, the local hospital is not involved in training and being unable to drive means that I can't commute anywhere else. It is something we could look at doing in the future, as we'd have to move house, but not at the moment.
What else is there? I have considered vetinary nursing or the police force. There is a vetinary practice locally that trains vetinary nurses and I may be able to get a post there, but could I do that part-time as I don't really want to work full-time when the munchkin is small.... I'm definately not fit enough to join the police at the moment, 2 1/2 years ago I suffered from a post viral illness that left me with a lot of fatigue, I'm basically fine now, but when I get any form of bug I'm knocked out for a few days and it takes me a couple of weeks to get my strength up to even walk the 2 1/2 miles into town and back. I'm trying to get myself fitter, but at this time of year as soon as I start getting going again, I'm knocked back down with another cold, I guess I need to just keep working on that one. I've also thought about becoming a librarian, I love books and reading and would like to encourage others to read more, but there are no jobs coming up locally there.
I'm left with going for any type of admin work going, I have had the odd look at the local paper and job websites, but there's been nothing part-time that I could get to (either by public transport, on foot or on Mr H's route to work). I guess I just need to keep looking.
Anyone reading got any ideas for lines of work for me? :-)
(Warning...confused outpouring of thought coming!)
Our only solutions were me learning to drive so I could get to other groups (at an outlay in excess of £400 for lessons not really an option) and getting a part-time job somewhere. I don't really want to go back to teaching, full-time teaching would leave me with no time for the munchkin and Mr H (thanks to planning and marking etc.), and part-time posts are hard to get hold of unless you already have your foot in the door. I had arranged a 60% timetable with my school in Cambridge had we stayed up there, but there's no way of doing that down there.
So that leaves me with a career change....so what do I do?
I very nearly applied for a paediatric nursing degree rather than education (I only settled on education a month before my application to Cambridge had to be in) and in a way I regret that. With a degree in maths and education I can be a teacher or.....a teacher, I'm not qualified for anything else. I could work in primary schools, but I really struggled with teaching literacy on my placements and didn't enjoy that at all. With mursing there are so many branches and areas I could have gone into....I'd still quite like to go back to university and re-train, but it's not something I could do living here, I'd need to live nearer the hospital(s) I'd be placed in, the local hospital is not involved in training and being unable to drive means that I can't commute anywhere else. It is something we could look at doing in the future, as we'd have to move house, but not at the moment.
What else is there? I have considered vetinary nursing or the police force. There is a vetinary practice locally that trains vetinary nurses and I may be able to get a post there, but could I do that part-time as I don't really want to work full-time when the munchkin is small.... I'm definately not fit enough to join the police at the moment, 2 1/2 years ago I suffered from a post viral illness that left me with a lot of fatigue, I'm basically fine now, but when I get any form of bug I'm knocked out for a few days and it takes me a couple of weeks to get my strength up to even walk the 2 1/2 miles into town and back. I'm trying to get myself fitter, but at this time of year as soon as I start getting going again, I'm knocked back down with another cold, I guess I need to just keep working on that one. I've also thought about becoming a librarian, I love books and reading and would like to encourage others to read more, but there are no jobs coming up locally there.
I'm left with going for any type of admin work going, I have had the odd look at the local paper and job websites, but there's been nothing part-time that I could get to (either by public transport, on foot or on Mr H's route to work). I guess I just need to keep looking.
Anyone reading got any ideas for lines of work for me? :-)
Monday, January 08, 2007
Good intentions....
I started the year with good intentions for the diet and, thanks to PMT and a rotten cold, they've already gone a-stray. I've spent the weekend eating junk and more junk and lots of milk chocolate orange.....ooppss. I need to get myself back on track...I do want to lose some more weight before the munchkin's baptism on the 21st. Stressing about our families coming up for that isn't helping matters.
Having planned a nice dinner on at Saturday night for all those of our generation coming down (Mum and Dad are taking the grans out for dinner) Mr H's siblings had other plans. Despite me texting to see if they'd be up for a murder mystery a week ago we only found out last night that G doesn't fancy it so they all (D, G, J and S) decided they'd go to the pub instead! Thanks for telling me! Not to worry that I spent ages on Saturday wandering around Cambridge trying to find a shop that stocked the dinner party kits and then forked out for one, and that I'd been planning what to cook. My fantastic sister (I know I don't say that about her very often!) has now offered to baby-sit for us so that Mr H and I can go out with his family since we don't see them very often and the last time we were all together was over 2 years ago. I just wish that D&G had told us they didn't fancy a murder mystery and then we'd just have had a young ones dinner. Don't get me wrong it will be nice to go out with Mr H's family, I just wish they'd talked to us.
I still need to work out what we're doing for food after the baptism. Everyone is definately coming back here (hmmm...15 adults in our small house...) and we're having some form of buffet, but apart from that I have no idea. We still haven't finalise the cake....fruit or sponge? I don't eat fruit cake, but a fruit cake will go further than a sponge cake....decisions!
Anyway, this post has taken about 1 1/2 hours to write in between cooking up veggies for the munchkin, feeding her and putting her down for a nap and it's my turn to eat now. Bye!
Having planned a nice dinner on at Saturday night for all those of our generation coming down (Mum and Dad are taking the grans out for dinner) Mr H's siblings had other plans. Despite me texting to see if they'd be up for a murder mystery a week ago we only found out last night that G doesn't fancy it so they all (D, G, J and S) decided they'd go to the pub instead! Thanks for telling me! Not to worry that I spent ages on Saturday wandering around Cambridge trying to find a shop that stocked the dinner party kits and then forked out for one, and that I'd been planning what to cook. My fantastic sister (I know I don't say that about her very often!) has now offered to baby-sit for us so that Mr H and I can go out with his family since we don't see them very often and the last time we were all together was over 2 years ago. I just wish that D&G had told us they didn't fancy a murder mystery and then we'd just have had a young ones dinner. Don't get me wrong it will be nice to go out with Mr H's family, I just wish they'd talked to us.
I still need to work out what we're doing for food after the baptism. Everyone is definately coming back here (hmmm...15 adults in our small house...) and we're having some form of buffet, but apart from that I have no idea. We still haven't finalise the cake....fruit or sponge? I don't eat fruit cake, but a fruit cake will go further than a sponge cake....decisions!
Anyway, this post has taken about 1 1/2 hours to write in between cooking up veggies for the munchkin, feeding her and putting her down for a nap and it's my turn to eat now. Bye!
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Looking up!
Sorry about the negativity in the last post, I'd just had enough and was using my blog as a bit of a vent. Things are looking a bit better today. We've had a look at finances and worked out that we can absorb most of the cost of the repairs to the car relatively easily (phew!). We've also had a good think about meals and shopping, browsed Sainsbury's online (internet shopping definately has it's benefits!) and worked out where we can save money on our weekly shop. It'll probably end up with us going to both Aldi and Sainsbury's but they're close to each other not too far away. It's a shame they're not in walking distance of us as that'd help the weight loss too. Mr H had to do some shopping after work yesterday (no fruit, veg or milk in the house!) and managed to spend far less than he normally does when he pops in mid-week.
The munchkin is being her usual charming self apart from throwing up all over me and her and the bath mat just as I was about to do her teeth last night (she's been fine in herself ever since though!) and tearing up a book just after I repaired it from when she last got hold of it (I really need to lean how far she can reach now as I thought she couldn't get it).
She found yesterday afternoon a little hard however, the leisure centre where we hold baby group was closed when we all got there (despite telling me that we could re-start after the Christmas break on the 3rd) so since I live so close I invited everyone round for a cuppa....oopps... When I said this there were only three of us with one more expected....2 minutes later another three drive up and there ends up being seven adults and nine children (7 babies/toddlers and the older 2 of one mum) in our living room! It all got a bit much for the little ones and some of them got very grumpy, but it was good to have some adult company in the daytime for a little bit.
Now I've got the gloomy job of getting the Christmas decorations down, I love having them up but need to get them down by twelth night, and we're out on Saturday so I won't be able to get Mr H to help then. I think I'll have a hunt aound for a nice plant to put where the tree was so it's not going to seem so empty when it's gone.
The munchkin is being her usual charming self apart from throwing up all over me and her and the bath mat just as I was about to do her teeth last night (she's been fine in herself ever since though!) and tearing up a book just after I repaired it from when she last got hold of it (I really need to lean how far she can reach now as I thought she couldn't get it).
She found yesterday afternoon a little hard however, the leisure centre where we hold baby group was closed when we all got there (despite telling me that we could re-start after the Christmas break on the 3rd) so since I live so close I invited everyone round for a cuppa....oopps... When I said this there were only three of us with one more expected....2 minutes later another three drive up and there ends up being seven adults and nine children (7 babies/toddlers and the older 2 of one mum) in our living room! It all got a bit much for the little ones and some of them got very grumpy, but it was good to have some adult company in the daytime for a little bit.
Now I've got the gloomy job of getting the Christmas decorations down, I love having them up but need to get them down by twelth night, and we're out on Saturday so I won't be able to get Mr H to help then. I think I'll have a hunt aound for a nice plant to put where the tree was so it's not going to seem so empty when it's gone.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Happy New Year! (or not!)
We're starting the new year with a huge bill from the garage for the bloomin' car. That's all our Christmas money gone and more. Mr H drove it to the garage, got a flat just as he was getting there and then got a phone call at work to say that the spring (?) and tyre would cost £300. We're barely living within our means as it is, the only holidays we had planned for this year were cheap Travelodge deals or camping, but even they are looking hard to finance now, all our Christmas money was going to go towards them....argh! Mr H will have to bike to work a lot more to save on Petrol money and I'm going to have to look into budget dinners that are diet friendly (i.e. not the cheapest mince/cuts of meat.....Mr H is too much of a carnivore to go veggie and he won't eat baked beans!)
Sorry for the whinge...not really how I want to start the year, at least the munchkin is making me grin (see below) even if she's decided that since going up to see L&T sleeping through the night is a bad idea!
Sorry for the whinge...not really how I want to start the year, at least the munchkin is making me grin (see below) even if she's decided that since going up to see L&T sleeping through the night is a bad idea!
Hmm....starting early
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