Friday, June 02, 2006

It's Friday!

Well, we had another good night last night. The munchkin was up at 11 and then not again until 6, a huge improvement on last week. She's still not right, lots of pooey nappies and off her solids, but still loving her milk so I'm not too worried. She's being a bit more clingy than normal too. At least it's Friday though and I get Mr H home for the next two days. Help with the nights....yay! Oh....and I get to see him and spend time with him when he's not tired from work!

I've been meaning to make some thank you cards for my girlies from back home this week, they gave the munchkin some gorgeous presents at the weekend, however with me being under the weather and her out of sorts as well I've not done them yet. Hopefully I'll get some time at the weekend when Mr H is here to help look after the little lady.

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