Monday, November 13, 2006

Nap....what's that?

It seems like the munchkin has forgotten what a morning nap is too.....

She spent the best part of 40 minutes playing and chatting to herself in her cot before getting fed up when she heard me go upstairs to put the washing out to dry.....grrrr.....

Hopefully she'll sleep this afternoon instead. I have managed to get some stuff done though, the washing is all out (with a little "help" from a certain somebody), the dishwasher is running (though there's so much stuff somehow I'll need to run it again this afternoon), kitchen surfaces are clean, desk is now evidently wooden (though not completely clear...I need Mr H's help to go through some of the paper work) and the dining table is cleaned ready for card making (I can't use my fantastic bureau upstairs when the munchkin is with me as she'll trash Mr H's scalextric which is set out on the floor of the same room).

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