Saturday, April 08, 2006

Interesting day....

...or maybe not!

We spent 5 hours wandering round Cambridge yesterday mainly looking at bikes for Mr H to cycle to work on. Now I'm all for him saving us money on diesel, but did it have to cost £530?!?!?!?

It could have been a lot worse I suppose, we were spending time together in the week (Mr H booked the day off for a break from work before we realised that with bank holidays and other annual leave days already booked he is only working one 5 day week in the next 6 weeks!!!), we were having time away from home and getting fresh air and exercise (well walking several miles with the pram).

All I managed to buy for me was a new purse to replace my one with a broken zip (not as easy as it sounds actually, most of the purses I found were far too small or far too big and usually woth out much space for cards (I have far too many of those, can't seem to reduce the numbers anymore either!).

The munchkin was really good, she didn't nap very well (probably why she didn't sleep brilliantly last night) but was calm and happy being admired by random people in shops.

The challenge for today is to get Mr H to have a break. Since we moved he's spent time every weekend fixes things, installing wardrobe poles, blinds etc. So for today we're trying to have him doing nothing of the sort. We're not going out (bought some very nice looking food in M&S yesterday to eat today - big treat!) and we're going to chill. He may end up mowing the lawn though so that he can play with his remote control car! At the moment it would get all of 2 inches into the jungle!

Anyway, we're going to chill out in front of a DVD the I need to put the dishwasher on. Maybe back later! Bye!

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