Saturday, April 01, 2006

Birthday trip out.....or not!

Well, we didn't make it to London after all
I had my first ever migraine last night (at least that's what we think it was) and was feeling too tired this morning to face the tube and all the crowds. Another time!

Had a quiet(ish!) day at home instead. Saved up some WW points (partly from not being able to eat dinner last night) and have enjoyed being able to eat nice food (bagels with cream cheese and smoked salmon.......). We may be going out for dinner tonight (the munchkin will sleep in her carrycot - she just about fits in it still!!)

Got some lovely pressies from Mr H and the munchkin. Mr H was lovely and didn't buy any more chocolate to tempt me off the diet with, and just bought me a cute mini birthday cake so I won't be tempted by it all week (it may be gone by the end of the weekend!). There wasn't any one big thing that I wanted so I was given lots of little bits, books, dvds, bits for card making and a scrap-booking starter kit (the challenge will be to find time to do it!).

well, we're going to have to go out for a walk. The munchkin is refusing point blank to go to sleep in her cot, having only slept (during the day) today for about an hour (usually 2+ hours by now!).

I wrote this at about 4pm.....blogger wouldn't load it before we went out....grrrr.....anyway, we ended up at Ikea. Never been there before. Bought some nice wine glasses and some plastic bowls and beakers for the munchkin. Trying to feed the munchkin now and get her to bed now before I fall asleep. Never realised how draining a migraine was :(

1 comment:

Frances D said...

Just found your blog on Blog Mad.
My own daughter is grown and married, but I remember those baby days well.
They smell so good after a bath don't they?
Hope you don't get another migraine.
Best Birthday Wishes To You!